Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Casual Sex Is Good, According to Favorite Study Abroad Guide
Free Study Abroad Guide
You can stop having a mini meltdown and inhaling a bottle of wine, you have a one night stand because a new study has revealed it might actually be good for you according to favorite study abroad guide.

The study abroad guide from New York University, published earlier, dispels popular misconceptions that casual sex can leave participants with low self-esteem and self-worth following a sexual encounter with someone who is not a long-term partner.  The researchers asked students at the United State University to keep a weekly diary for 12 weeks and to write down how they felt after they’d had sex and the results were very surprising.

According to researchers: ‘When it came to those who were sexually unrestricted, having casual sex was associated with higher self-esteem and life satisfaction and lower depression and anxiety.’ ‘Typically, sexually unrestricted individuals reported lower distress and higher thriving following casual sex, suggesting that high sexuality may both buffer against any potentially harmful consequences of casual sex and allow access to its potential benefits.’

The students selected to appear in the study abroad guide admitted leaning towards ‘sexuality’, a term which basically means that they did not have a problem with having sex outside of a relationship. The even more surprising part? There were no notable gender differences. Turns out women do enjoy a spot of casual sex just as much as men.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Cindy Crawford - How I Look 20 Years Younger
Free Study Abroad Guide
Cindy Crawford has defied aging as her skin remains amazingly flawless despite the passage of 20 years since the start of her modeling days. We chatted with Cindy Exclusively on June 18 to learn about her must have beauty secrets and she’s spilling them below! Cindy Crawford, 48, is one of America’s most well known beauties. She has graced the cover of countless magazines.She nears her 50s, her skin and natural beauty are as radiant as ever. Her Meaningful Beauty skin care products, created from her collaborative work with anti-aging specialist Dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh, contain the secret to Cindy’s stunning, youthful glow.

Cindy Crawford’s Beauty Secrets  The Key To Looking Young & Her Healthy Skin
When our Beauty Director Dory Larrabee Zayas asked Cindy about her daily beauty routines, Cindy surprisingly responded, “I always say the secrets are there  are no secrets.”

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“Obviously I use Meaningful Beauty, but it’s really about doing it every day,” said Cindy. “It’s cumulative and it’s about avoiding the sun and it’s about not smoking and it’s about drinking a lot of water and getting enough sleep. It starts with what you put in your body, and exercise. All of those things that we all know, you have to do it.”  Cindy’s healthy lifestyle is key to looking and feeling good all the time, but her Meaningful Beauty Skin Softening Cleanser is designed to be a helpful accessory for smooth and plump skin even as it ages.

Meaningful Beauty Skin Softening Cleanser One Of Our Must-Haves
The major focus of this cleanser is to hydrate the skin while keeping the face’s natural oils still intact. The skin stays nourished which helps maintain a smooth look. The Meaningful Beauty products help keep Cindy looking just as amazing as she did years ago, but she’s aware that no one is immune to aging. “You know, I’m still getting older,” Cindy told us Exclusively. “I don’t look like I did when I was 28, but it’s about looking and feeling good at every age.”

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